Tuesday, March 30, 2004


I haven't even read the story, but this wins my prize for the WORLD'S DUMBEST HEADLINE...ready...here it is

"Study: Tired children don't get enough sleep"

Well, Duh!!

This was on a respectable website, and not The Onion (not that it isn't respectable).

What next, "Study: Gasoline catches on fire", "Study: Bricks hurt when dropped on toe", or "Study: Spinning in circles makes you dizzy."

Monday, March 29, 2004


So, get this.

Someone was searching for shoes at foot locker.

In doing so, they paid a visit here. To this entry.

What amuses me the most about this, is that I was #5 in the search...weird.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

A new Blog

Hey there. Visit Mae's new Blog. She is doing it for a class project. Interesting discussions.

Monday, March 22, 2004

Friday, March 19, 2004


Sometimes, you wonder why you couldn't just be
Canadian. Some people say you are weird. You
have an interesting sense of humor and a
meaningless life. But, you're nearly Canadian,
so did you expect better?

Which old school Nickelodeon show are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Am I Crazy?

I listen to Chicago Public Radio all the time, and right it is pledge time.

I actually enjoy it. WBEZ has some of the most entertaing banter. Some of my favorites are then Ira Glass and Tory Malletia are together...the just continually egg each other one. Also, Lisa Labuz at the end of the day is always a treat. She is the morning host, and so she is usually a bit slap happy...

oh well...

my 2 cents for the day

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

More Wedding News

My Cousin's husband,Andy has agreed to give the blessing at our wedding. This is going to be a real ecumenical affair.

Let see, at last count...An Anglobaptist American Baptist officiant. An ELCA Social Justice officiant. And a Missouri Synod Good friend blesser. Wouldn't Bonhoffer be proud!

Happy St. Patrick's Day


Monday, March 15, 2004

You are Rerun!

Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

What a long strange trip

Holy Cow! I am back!

It has been a crazy last couple of weeks.

You see, I had a show open this weekend, and have been living in the perfromace space for the past week.

The show is Godspell, and the space is North Shore Baptist Church. This has been one of the best learning experiences of my life. I have plenty experience directing plays and none doing musicals. This is a musical. Let me just say, I learned the necessity of time management. We spent a lot of time working on music and dancing, and less time on acting. This led to some some fustrating momnets. But, it is amazing how well everyone worked. The show is about buliding a community of love. That means helping each other out, and that is exactly what happened. Everyone kept the ball in the air. I am truly grateful to everyone involved in the show. For all turned out beautifully.

We run for the next two weeks at NSBC, 5244 N. Lakewood at 7:30.

In other news, Mae and I made a decision to have Tripp and Pastor Bob marry us. We asked them at Leo and Sherry's wedding. It will be cool. Both of these guys are amazing. Twill be fun.

My tummy is still full. Pastor's Doug and Carol took the cast and crew to Andie's last night...mmmm. Medetranian Buffet.

Peace kids

Monday, March 01, 2004

Special Skills

You know, I think I am the only person who can pull a hamstring by sitting in a Lazy Boy all day.
