Friday, June 28, 2002

Quick Morning Note

I just read that "the best there was, the best there is, the best there ever will be", Brett "The Hitman" Hart had a stroke. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. He just lost his brother in law, Davey "The British Bulldog" Smith.

Here is a note from Brett's Personal Assisatant.

And an article in the Calgary Sun Newspaper.


Thursday, June 27, 2002


By Monday, beYond thAt's Articles of Incorporation will be in the mail, and we are one step closer to being a real live theatre company!!!!


Tripp sent an e-mail out asking what we though about the whole pledge of allegiance thing. This is my answerÖHa.

maybeÖactually probably notÖI know this because I actually wrote it down ñ on paper ñ before posting it, although this beautiful run-on was not included on the notebook paperÖokÖhere we go

When we are saying the pledge of allegiance it is to the flag. As far as I am concerned, it is not a pledge to God or about God. Some will argue that is we remove the ìunder Godî phrase we are risking loosing Godís blessing on the nationÖI have actually read that somewhere. Well, if that is the case, does God not bless other countries?

From reading responses to Trippís e-mail, I guess the big concern is it whom and what do we pledge allegiance? J.M. Aguiar in his response to the e-mail says, ìI have privately felt that the Pledge does, indeed, border on idolatry, and that's a word I've used in my own thoughts. I more or less outgrew the Pledge in about 4th grade, and haven't said it since, for a variety of reasons [me, too. Mainly because I havenít been in a situation to]. Likewise, I don't bow when entering a dojo. Tolerance for other faiths does not extend to a submissive betrayal of my own principles.î Since I havenít been to a dojo in 15 years, maybe I canít comment on that. But, I always wipe my feet before entering a theatre. This is a symbolic cleansing in my opinionÖa showing of respect for a place I hold close to my heart. I donít feel that I am betraying any of my principles. I, also, put my hand over my heart while at the ballpark during the playing of the national anthem. I donít see how doing any of these symbolic acts is a ìsubmissive betrayal of my own principles.î I wipe my feet when entering a theatreÖI put my hand over my heart at the ballparkÖI pray in churchÖI give time to church. I guess what I am trying to say is, this whole debate seems to be one of those ìgive unto Caesar, give unto Godî issues. I pledge allegiance to my country through the symbolic act of reciting the pledge; I cleanse myself before entering a theatre; but I OPEN and GIVE myself before Jehovah. By doing this with all of my mind and heart, even though I pledge allegiance to country, I am giving myself to Godís will.

The idea of idolatry never even crossed my mind. Is pledging allegiance to a flag idolatry? Is praying to a saint? Is lighting a candle? Taking communion? Seeing a cross? I donít know. I think the definition of idolatry is almost an individual one. For me it is something to the effect of, something becomes an idol if you place it before God, but it is something else if you use it to help you focus on Godís love.

Man that is a lot of stuff. And in my typical fashion I veered off in a whole other direction. Oh well.

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth will set you free)


Wednesday, June 26, 2002


No, this isn't another new Bush administration cabinet position, but the book I am currently reading ñ New Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton. Where, oh where, can I begin discussion of this book? I am only 5 chapters in, but I am thoroughly interested in what I am reading.

I think I will begin with what I think Merton is saying is necessary before even beginning the process of contemplation.

In the first 5 chapters He has referred many times to the 2 selves contained in the human spirit. The Real Self and The False Self: The first being the pure entity created by God, and the later being the egocentric entity created by us.

I know in my case it is hard to separate the Real from the False. ìWe are not very good at recognizing illusions, least of all the one we cherish about our selves ñ the ones we are born with and which feed the roots of sinî (34). For me, being aware of this is one of the major parts of beginning a contemplative lifestyle. Which lead me to the next partóthe need to constantly be active in the pursuit of the Real self. This is a vigilant process, for it takes constant communication with ìI AM.î Trying to find ìHE WHO ISî in everything. This reminds me of the constant prayer of the Celtic people. ìOur vocation is not simply to be, but to work together with God in the creation of our own life, our own identity, our own destinyî (32).

In order for me to do these things it needs to be an act done from an open heart. ìBy consenting to His will with joy and doing it with gladness I have His love in my heart, because my will is now the same as His Love and I am on the way to becoming g what He is, Who is Love. And by accepting all thing from Him I receive His joy into my soul, not because things are what they are buut because God is Who He Is, and His love has willed my joy in them allî (18).

So, how does one go about this? That is what I am working on. One way for me to do this is to begin to work on prayer. I pray, but at times I feel as though I am just going by habit. I need to learn to pray, again. I need to work on focus. I tend to veer of in the middle of doing somethingÖI have been writing this blog for 4 hours now, because I keep wondering off.

Overall, this book is going to be very beneficial.

Veritas vos liberabit (The truth will set you free)


Tuesday, June 25, 2002


It is now 4:00, and I have a hole in my arm. I have one less pint of blood in my body, and I feel good.
Sick, yes I know.

I am reading New Seeds for Contemplation by Thomas Merton right now. I will post thoughts as they come to me.

Anyway, I really don't have any meaningful to write today, so I won't.


Monday, June 24, 2002

What Is The World Coming To?

For the 2nd time in as many weeks the Supreme Court has issued rulings on the death penalty. Last week they made the wise decision that the mentally retarded should be exempt from receiving the death penalty...I believe the vote was 6-3. And now, today in a 7-2 decision they decided that juries, not judges should make the violates the defendants 6th amendment right to trial by jury. Thus, a unanimous decision is needed.

I think the past two weeks are huge steps forward for those of us against the death penalty...maybe this is a sign that we are finally realizing that the death penalty is not the "deterrent" that the right wants us to believe, and that it does nothing, but cause the cycle murder to continue.


Thursday, June 20, 2002


"I pledge allegiance to the flag of The United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Tripp has a blog discussing allegiance. Where do we focus our allegiance as Christians, and how can we reconcile this with, say, allegiance to our country? Please read his blog, as I want to discuss the above question. [Now, if Tripp is the only one who reads this, I guess you donít have to re-read your own blog.]

ìThe EP [Ekklesia Project] uses warfare as an example of our misplaced allegiances. Why should Christians be compelled to kill other Christians? Why should we be compelled to kill at all? We slaughter one another in the name of national allegiances. This, again, is misplaced allegiance. Our Christian allegiance should inform the other. Not the other way around.î (from Trippís Blog)
Not only have people slain each other in the name of national allegiances, but in the name of their God(s). In face both, simultaneously, are happening right now in Israel/Palestine. I think right now is a time for all of us to rethink where we need to be focusing.

Still working on this one. Will write more when I can form a coherent thought.

In the mean time I will partake in the current trend of bloggers...thanks to Sarah for letting me steal this without her knowledge.

A to Z
A - Animals/Pets: None...yet
B - Best Friend(s):Mike, Tripp, Todd
C - Cohabitants: Kaite the Stuffed Bear
D - Desire(s):To be a working theatre artist (note...not just actor. I would enjoy any part of it). And neve have to work in an office again.
E - Eye Color: Brown.
F - Favorite Food(s): Pizza, and Breakfast
G - Games: Trivial pursuit and cranium
H - Habit(s): ummm...too many to mention (always up to late, nail biting, etc.)
I - Interests: Books, writing, discussion, live music
J - Job: Artist, and office worker
K - Kitchen (Wonder or Blunder?): Love to cook, but don't do so that much...due to my 12 sq. foot kitchen
L - Languages: English, bits of Greek, German, Spanish and Italian.
M - Most Valued Possession(s) (an item, not people/pets): Really can't think of one (I do like my books, but if they disappeared I would not be hurt.)
N - Name (Named after?): St. Justin. My dad used to drive by a church in Key West (we he was stationed there) and really liked the name
O - Outfit You Love: Jeans and t-shirt
Pizza Toppings: Anything except anchovies and fruit
Q - Question Asked To You the Most: "What?"
R - Relationship/Partner: None currently.
S - Sport: (Playing) swimming, wrestling; (Watching) Baseball, Swimming, Wrestling (pro and amateur), international football (aka soccer)
T - Television Show(s): WWE, West Wing, and Scrubs (best comedy on TV)
U - Unsavory characteristic(s): I am right...always, introverted, instigator.
V - Video (Favorites): The Manchurian Canidate, The Great Dictator, Oh Brother Where Art Thou, and The Prince of Egypt
W - Webpage (Favorite--not your own):
X - Xylophone (or other Instrument?): I played trumpet, baritone and tuba in High School.
Y - Year Born: 1977, Chinese Year of the Snake...I think.
Z - Zodiac Sign: Aquarius.


Wednesday, June 19, 2002


I just had to stop listening to the radio. There was a guy who sounded wike Ewmer Fudd. Now I have nothing against speech impedements, but why, oh why, on the radio?

Ok. Sorry, but I just couldn't handle it any more.

Now! On with the show!

What to write about today? I really don't know. So, now we will watch as my mind wanders until I have something to say. In advance as of right now capatization and puncuation are ceasing

tripp and i have been discussing the development of community and i am not so bright on this issue
i told him my concern was that a monasitic society has the potential to become cultic
then he brought up the fact the that could hapen within a congregation as well
and i thougt oh yeah duh

so i am still stuck

oh well i maybe someday will understand

i am bored bored bored
i am fustrated and bored
i try not to be
i want to make art all day
i want to talk politics all day
i want to be able to just enjoy the day
i am not made for offices
dont get me wrong
i like what i do i like the people
i dont like being stuck inside all the time
i come from a nomadic type of people and i guess i still am
i was rereading some of the stuff i have written here and discovered that there is a recurring them of dont stop go
now that is not how it sounds
what i mean with phrases like that is not to work yourself to a nub
because i believe we as a society work way too much and dont enjoy ourselves
i mean dont stop yourself dont hold yourself back let it go

i am very happy
i am content
but i am missing something and i dont know what

that is all

peace on earth

Tuesday, June 18, 2002

My Psalm







What am I doing here?
Can't you hear me?
Sitting, Listening, Feeling, Crying




Keep time
and feel new



Monday, June 17, 2002

A Need

Tripp and Leo (his room mate) and I have been talking about the direction of Soaked, NSBC's praise band. Tripp has a blog about what I am going to discuss as well, just click he name above.

We had a great outing 2 weeks ago at our Sunday night woship service. Tripp's professor AKMA was there and made a nice observation...we need to let go and some U2 or somthing like that...I agree 100%. And this is where some problems occur. There are a couple of people in the band who do not think that is appropiate. I can understand their p.o.v., but I think it would be good for us.

Here is an article about U2 that discusses their faith. (Tripp it is a new one). Someone wrote that they were concerned about Bono's use of the F-word. The article being that into fact there is a great quote from Tono Campolo, "20,000 children have died of hunger today and you don't give a shit! In fact you are more concerned with the fact I used shit than that 20,000 children died of hunger".

Any way, I have gotten off track. One thing I think Soaked should do, and I discussed this with Leo, is sit down and restructure. I see no reason not to try to make new arrangements of songs (we have a unique instrumentation). Also, maybe have a front person, and back up singers. Alternate fronts or something. Instead of being a "cover" band, if you will, we could become a Cover band that re-imagines songs.

OK. That is all.

P.S. Tripp...this was discussed last night...kind of brainstorming after Supertones.


this is it

Well, well, well...back to the same old same old. The weekend was pretty unevenlful. Not a whole lot to say, so...this is it....for now

Friday, June 14, 2002


I just read Tripp's Blog. It is a rant about our need as a country to chill out. I agree with him 100%. Please read it.

In fact, I will be doing what he talks about, sitting on you butt and doing nothing, as a vendor has graciously provided my boss and me with tickets to the cross-town classic (for those not from Chicago that is the Cubs vs. White Sox). I will enjoy every minute of it.


PS. Oh yeah! Stone Cold Steve Austion got "released" (fancy term for fired) from the WWE, and this is not a work (fake).

Thursday, June 13, 2002

Really Short Blog

Check out this article about oh my god. Very cool


Please, just check this out. I won't editoralize, but please makes me laugh.

Anyway. I think I have been a little to serious her lately. So, I will try to lighten the mood. How? You may ask, well...I am not really sure.

Well, first of all The Free Press gave A Temporary World a good review. Oh yeah, we just had a potluck here at work...yummy. The ladies were kind enough to have a Father's Day potluck. I don't know...feel a little weird, being one of the few non-dad types in the office...not that I am in any hurry, but felt kind of like I was mooching. But, alas, my tummy is now full and I have dinner for tonight.

That's all I guess. Nothing profound (if anything ever is) coming to my head, so type later.


Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Brave Old, New World

I walked into the neighborhood corner store yesterday, and Sam, the owner, was standing behind the counter with a perplexed look on his face. With mild concern, I went to the back of the store and picked up a gallon of milk. Upon arriving at the counter, Samís expression had not changed.

ìJustin, this is like the old country.î
ìWhat is, Sam?î
ìThe way they are talking on the TV.î

Looking over to the TV, I saw our brilliant Attorney General giving a press conference.

ìI thought, when I left I did not have to worry about what I do. I am worried that if I talk to some of my family I may get in trouble.î
ìI know. I canít believe it. I grew up here and only read about these things. I guess that is what happens when we get an Attorney General who was beaten by a dead man when he ran for governor.î
ìI mean, it is not as as bad as Africa, with the knives cutting heads, but stillÖI mean they are making so many restrictionsÖI came here so I could live free.î

This really pisses me off. The fact that a person who came to this country seeking shelter from a despotic government is saying that we, the land of the free, are slowly turning that way. We have an administration that seems to want to do away with our civil liberties in the name of ìFreedomî. Well, I say, screw youÖbecause I can, that is my RIGHT. I say is time to write our leaders and let them know how we feel. Do we really want to live in a place where our phones can be tapped without a warrant? Do we want to live in a place where people are being held without chargeÖwhere citizens are denied due process?

Please send letters, e-mails, anecdotes, etc. to the following people, asking them to keep the United States of America the land of the Free.

President Bush and Vice President Cheney
Sen. Dick Durbin
Sen. Peter Fitzgerald
Your House Represenative


Tuesday, June 11, 2002

It's Time to Play the Game

Rock Star
Beauty Queen
Drama Queen
Drag Queen
Big Scream

Last Dance
Tap Dance
Lap Dance
Last Chance

Don't Stop
Don't Stop
Don't Stop


Open Eyes
Closed Ears
Runniing Nose
No Doze

Looking Up
Closing Down
Run Around
Sad Clowns

Close It
Close It
Close It


No Chance
No Change
Last Chance
Get Changed

Go Now
Go Now
Go Now


Open Doors
Play Games
Love Whores
Give Peace

Play The Game
Don't Stop
Don't Stop
Don't Stop


Monday, June 10, 2002


sit and listen
taste it
the beginning of summer
the end of spring
the instant night light
only to be extinguished a second later
the ground moves
the charge grows

boats off the lake
waves grow
take me
out to the sea

cars stop
ducks laugh
fish know no difference

this summer storm beautiful
sit out side


Friday, June 07, 2002

I am So Confused

Somebody, please explain what the hell is going on? Please. Really........

That is what I thought. Why are human beings hell bent on destroying, not just our planet but each other? The missionaries that were held hostage in the Phillipines are free now, albeit, one is dead, and it is unknow if he was shot by "friendly" or "enemy" fire.

We have 2 stubborn old me in the mid-east who don't give two shits about their people, just their own tunnel visioned agendas. We have people in DC hell bent on dropping bombs on people, just to make our problems go away. Tell me something folks, how does this work...we have killed more civilians in Afaganstan that were killed in the 9/11 tragedy.

"That fight, I'm not sure it's right to win, now.
That side, that's the side I'm on, but I can't justify it.
Onward, Onward, let's forget what started all this.
Just because they're fighting dirty, doesn't mean their cause is wrong.

Whats' Wrong?

That line down between my feet, drawn deeply in the sand
I find no desire to move myself from where I stand.
Inward, Inward, all devotion facing nothing
Carry on the fight without me, leave me standing if you can.

What's Wrong?

That fight, I'm not sure it's right to winm now.
At night, I bet all you dreams don't make you laugh like mine do.
Onward, Onward, let's forgive what started all this.
Carry on this fight without me, leave me standing if you can.

What's Wrong?"

--That Fight, oh my god

Psalm 120
A song of ascents.

I call on the Lord in my distress,
and he answers me.
Save me, O Lord , from lying lips
and from deceitful tongues.

What will he do to you,
and what more besides, O deceitful tongue?
He will punish you with a warrior's sharp arrows,
with burning coals of the broom tree.

Woe to me that I dwell in Meshech,
that I live among the tents of Kedar!
Too long have I lived
among those who hate peace.
I am a man of peace;
but when I speak, they are for war.

That all


Thursday, June 06, 2002

OK, Here I Go

Well, as some of you know I am mark for professional wrestling. I came across this interview with Shawn of the 2 big players of the then WWF in the mid-90's (along with the Hitman Brett Hart). Anywho, Shawn was one of the people most responsible for the meteoric rise of pro-wrestling in the mid/late 90's...he was a leader of the WWF Attitude era.

My point is, Shawn is a relatively new Christian. This interview, kind of inspires me in a way. To see someone so excited about the oportunity return to a place where he met all the bad parts of the world, and yet, going back with an iron will to live out God's will. I, honetly, don't know if I would have the strength to do that. I have a hard enough time as it is.

Any way, let me know what you think>


Guess What?

I now have a comment use it darn it! It is at the bottom of each post..."A Blank Stare".

Be back later with something meaningful...HA!


Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Important Notice

oh my god will be making their House of Blues debut on Friday Night. It is being rumored that there will be various record types there. So, please show up and support.

I honest believe these guys are the next big thing. I have seen lots of bands, and this one has that something special that is rarely seen. Every time they play there is a fire burning inside. I wrote earlier about passion in art, wel these guys personify it. I, honestly, look to them for artistic inspiration.

Also, with a ticket stub you get the VIP treatment at Crobar afterwards (free cover, drinks, etc.). Not too bad, huh.

To check out OMG, either click on their link or their name above.


A New Look

I have been doing this for a little less than 2 weeks. Why have I changed my look? Because this template has a contact button, and I screwed up my old template somehow, and kept getting an error message. Hope y'all likes.



Tripp is in the midst of a very interesting discussion on his blog, it is about forgiveness. I will attempt to delve into this discussion here. It should make for an interesting, if incoherent, blog. Please remember that I believe that simplicity is the key.

First please click on Trippís name for a link to his site and read his blog, as well as the comments posted below it.

I really believe that they are overcomplicating the issue. I think what needs to happen in order for forgiveness to occur is thisÖWe need to be willing to forgive (ourselves and others). If you look at the Lordís Prayer is says (depending on how you were raisedÖthese are the words I learned), ìforgive us our sins, as we forgive those who have sinned against us.î Now, I think that is pretty self-explanatory. Forgiveness is a matter of the heart. Weather or not others forgive us, we have to be willing to forgiveÖThat, I believe, is the essence of our faith as Christians. In order to be ìsavedî, we must admit that ìwe are sinners, and fall short of the Glory of God.î And, I believe, in doing so we realize the grace of God.

We need to remember to whom Jesus was speakingÖthe farmers, fishermen, and the everyman. He taught in a simple way (I consider myself well educated, and yet all of the hubbub that is mentioned in Trippís blog loses me.) By being over analytical of this simple idea, we are making it harder to understand than it is. That is why it is so hard for people to come to the church with their problemsÖif they come seeking forgiveness, there are so many ìrulesî that go along with asking forgiveness, that it is an intimidating process. Just ask, with a true yearning, and it is given. That is the Grace of God.

Now, how do we apply this to fellow humans? As for asking for forgiveness, just ask with the true yearning I mentioned above. Weather it is granted or not is just something we will have to assume, nee hope for. This is the difference between asking for forgiveness from God and people. We can do things that will help us feel better (we are forgiving ourselvesÖas a person or as a people). For example, My friend, and future roommate, Sherry will soon be accompanying some El Salvadoran refugees to Florida as they begin filing suit against Generals who were responsible for massacring their villages. Sherry is going, not only for support, but for her regret in the United States part in assisting these generals. This is her way of doing penance (another ìruleî), but it is her way of absolving and cleansing herself from this atrocity.

Tripp and Rich have been discussing the role of monetary reparations (if I am to understand correctly), and, well, I donít really understand the logic behind suing (for lack of a better word) if the defendant doesnít have any moneyÖand really, what good does it do. Now, there are times when it is appropriate, but more often than notÖit does nothing to help with the situation. It just messes it up even more.

Well, I hope this makes my feeling on forgiveness as clear as mud. Please e-mail me comments at

ìOh, my God. This is overwhelming, moving at the speed of time. The ever-present Now. This opportunity is yours and mine. I canít say for certain, but Iím certain, you know what I mean? Electrified, purified, terrified. Iím inside of me.î

--from ìx10î by oh my god

Monday, June 03, 2002

Mondya Morning Blues

Not really...Just thought it was a...i have no idea what I am writing now. I don't know what happened. Got a pretty good nights sleep, but I am microwave oven apartment was actually comfortable last night...maybe that is was my first good nights sleep in a while and my body is like...duh! give me some more of that.

We have the night off of A Temporary World tonight, so my goal is to be inbed by 10:30 and out cold by 10:45...we'll see. The show is actuall starting to pull together. I honestly was a bit concerned late last week, but the girls have really pulled together...they are getting comfortable with an, at times, ackward script. Friday night the light board blew...thank to Fuji, I was able to get things back up and going. Now, they have all the elements and everything is going well.

Congrats to my bro...he just told me he got a job offer...going into sales.

That is all for now.
