More Electoion Help
I am intentionally not blogging much this week. I will post stuff like below and this:
If you have problems during early voting or on Election Day, call 866-MYVOTE1 to report your problem and talk to local election officials.
I want to make sure people make up their minds and can not feel afraid to vote. I will be updating with other helps as I find them.
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Where to Vote:
Here are couple of place to help you find your polling place:
Nation Wide:
Whether you agree with me or Cliff ;-), please use these to help you find your polling place.
Also, and this is improtant:
Make sure to have ID with you. Especially if this is your first time to vote, have at least 2 forms of ID.
Posted by Justin at 11:46 AM 0 comments
Our Favorite President
The One Fingered Victory Salute
Gotta Love Him
It was taken from near the end of his gubenatroial term.
Posted by Justin at 8:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
There Is No Joy In Mudville
Well, what can I say. Congrats Bo-Sox.
Can you tell I have lived in Chicago too long...Wait 'till next year.
Posted by Justin at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Son of a Biscut
I know the Birds are just waiting to show the sox what a come from behind series win feels like, but ya have to?
Boston 4 - St. Louis 1
Boston 3 -St. Louis 0
Posted by Justin at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Whether you like him or not, Eminem's newest video is powerful.
Even if your politcs don't jive with his, watch the video. The end is worth it.
Here is a link to the video.
Posted by Justin at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 25, 2004
No Worries
2 games to 0 in Boston's favor.
Not worried, though.
Posted by Justin at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Making the call
I call the Cards in 7 games.
Tonight they lost 11-9
So the series is now Boston 1, St. Louis 0.
6 games to go
Posted by Justin at 11:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 22, 2004
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Joe Trippi's Drinking Game
Joe Trippi over at has an idea for a drinking game that hopefully will not come to pass if the Cards win tonight. Here is his post:
OK, I know I can’t do justice to this subject. But I am dropping all pretenses to political correctness and starting a new drinking game. If the Houston Astros win the National League title tonight – then from that point on every time a political pundit or talking head uses a baseball analogy to describe the race between George Bush and John Kerry we all have to take another sip of our favorite drink.
If the Astros win tonight, my guess is that within days the whole Bush/Texas/Astro vs. Kerry, Boston, Red Sox thing will be so overdone, that its almost enough to get me to root for St. Louis to make sure we don’t have to endure day in and day out baseball analogies of the Presidential campaign.
And I just want to make it clear that I see no analogy at all between Howard Dean and the Yankees leading all year long – both seemingly unstoppable – suddenly being overtaken by the back from the dead Kerry campaign and Boston Red Sox. None at all.
And besides I am a Roger Clemens fan so I’ll be rooting for the Astros -- and if they win, cringing with you as we all suffer through lame baseball analogy after lame baseball analogy of the Presidential campaign.
My only solace, my new drinking game – my problem? – my favorite drink is diet-Pepsi.
Posted by Justin at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Pin and Needles
The world is on pins and needles The Al Franken Show will make its official endorsement for the president tomorrow...
Has Drudge made his endorsement yet?...they will then cancel each other out...Ahhh...the world of satire.
Posted by Justin at 11:09 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Takin it to 7
Cards just won game 6.
This whole series has done great things for baseball. The great series between Houston and St. Louis and the Dream series between NYC and Boston.
Posted by Justin at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Mae and Manda made it safely to Everett, WA to see our friend Matt.
They drove all through the night...26 hours.
Posted by Justin at 8:26 PM 0 comments
We have done it. We have an Enhitchment page. Check it out...right...
Posted by Justin at 5:32 PM 2 comments
Tucker Carlson is a Big Baby
Don't know if you all have heard about the incident on Crossfire the other day. Jon Stewart was a guest and he punked out the hosts. And now Carlson is crying foul. can't handle the truth.
Here is a link to the clip from the show. What do you think? Was Stewart right, or does Carlson have a legit gripe?
Posted by Justin at 9:05 AM 4 comments
Dang It
The bad guys are up by one.
3 games to 2 bad guys.
Houston 3-St. Louis 0
Posted by Justin at 7:07 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 17, 2004
In 6 Baby
Cards will win in 6.
Series 2-2
Final today
Houston 6
Cards 5
Posted by Justin at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Hadda Happen
I still say the Cards will win in 5.
They lost today 5-2. Shoot.
The series is now 2-1 Cards.
Posted by Justin at 6:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 15, 2004
Thursday, October 14, 2004
A Good Point
David Shuster over at hardblogger has a great post on how the stupid rules ruined the debates. here is a quote:
Imagine a debate with direct questions, questions requiring a simple "yes/no" answer, hypothetical scenarios and "what would you do" type of questions, follow-up questions by the moderator or audience members, maybe even a device akin to a "shot clock" (If the candidate dodges something for more than thirty seconds... the rest of his/her time is cut-off and the other candidate is rewarded the microphone.) You get my point. We are trying to choose between two candidates for the most powerful job in the world. Asking them to participate in a real debate shouldn't be too much to ask. Furthermore, it's time for the networks to ask for, or even demand, a seat at the negotiating table. If we are going to cover the "debates," the campaigns shouldn't be the only ones dictating the terms.
Imagine a real debate.
Posted by Justin at 4:10 PM 0 comments
It is Orfishal
Tripp the Anglo-Baptist is getting ordained.
Congrats, Bro.
Posted by Justin at 3:24 PM 0 comments
The Real World
I just read this article by a grandmother from Tinley Park. Please read it. "We are but one family."
Posted by Justin at 11:13 AM 0 comments
270, 3, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 10, 7
No this is not a new Chicago song. This is a recap of last night.
270 total minutes of debates
3 total debates
2 to Kerry
0 to Bush
1 draw
1 win for the Cardinals
0 wins for the Astros
10 runs scored by the Cards
7 runs scored by the Astros
All in all a good night. I enjoyed watching the debate with Cliff and Tripp, see, we all can get along. None of us ended up bloodied and battered. This is a good thing
Posted by Justin at 8:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
I calls 'em like I sees 'em
I don't care that this cretin is a Democrat. He should be voted out of office and booted it his ass.
Maryland democratic comptroller William Schaffer wants to create an HIV registry.
"'They bring it on themselves,' he said, adding, 'They don't get it by sitting on the toilet seat. ... A person who gives AIDS, who spreads AIDS, they're bad people. Everybody wants to be on the good side of everything. Well, I'm taking a stand.' Schaefer in the 1990s pushed a proposal that would have established a public HIV registry, but the measure was defeated three times by the state Legislature. Although Maryland tracks HIV cases using names, the list is not published or publicly accessible, according to the Post.'
Tell that to a person close to us who got it from a bad transfusion....
He must go. Pig.
(from Artois via Oliver Willis)
Posted by Justin at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Let's Go Cardinals
Let's kick some Texan Butt...hmmm...seems to be a theme in my life right now.
Posted by Justin at 9:28 AM 0 comments
Winds of Change
No, this is not a post on the Scorpions song. But rather an intersting nugget I found. Bob Barr, the former Republican Georgia congressman and one of the leaders of the Clinton impeachment prodeedings, may not vote for George Bush. Like many conservatives he believes GWB's neo-con ideals conflict with many conservative ideals.
His last line asks who the Libertarian candidate is...he is Michael Badnarik.
Posted by Justin at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 11, 2004
Pocket Full of Krytonite
RIP Superman.
Posted by Justin at 7:16 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 09, 2004
3 AM Debate Response
I figure if I post now I can beat Cliff.
I watched the debate tonight, and I have to say the winners were the audience. They asked some great questions. In all honesty I think tonight did more to motivate the base to get out and vote. I don't think many undecideds were swayed by tonight. I personally though John Kerry was fantastic tonight. He was not afraid of being liberal. Of caring for the poor and less fortunate. I was afraid Pres. Bush was going to pull a Yosemite Sam at any moment and fly off the handle bar with both guns blazing...kind of scary.
But overall I think tonight may end up being a draw amongst the undecideds, but I think both sides really motivated their bases.
Posted by Justin at 2:52 AM 2 comments
Friday, October 08, 2004
I love the fall, but I hate that all the trains and busses sound like TB wards.
Posted by Justin at 10:46 AM 0 comments
I normally do not remember my dreams, but the one I had last night was intersting. Not only was it a very narrative dream, but it continued after I dozed off after hitting the snooze alaram...twice.
It was a very simple dream (almost the begining part of a movie):
I get off an airplane in the middle of the Czech Republic. I get my back pack back from the customs and everythis is gone. It is empty except for what looked like one of 2 books I own (either The Motorcycle Diaries by Che Guevara or Spiritual Direction and Meditation by Thomas Merton). So, I wader around this town and and find a store to get clothing and stuff, but I have to steal a t-shirt and underware because I have no money. I meet an ex-pat girl (UK or US not sure...she never spoke), but I followed her out of the store and down a country road. She goes into a house, but I don't follow. A truck arrives and I hitch a ride to Prague. In the truck I meet a guy who becomes my traveling companion.
Once in Prague we wander looking for a place to crash. We have no money, so hostels are out. We meet an old couple who invite us to stay with them. We follow them to their white stucco house and have a meal together. I don't remember the specifics of any of the conversations, but they were quite cordial.
Then woke up. I actually hope this dream continues. It was quite pleasent.
Posted by Justin at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Church Blog
In this crazy po-mo world of our, I am pleased to announce a new blog added to the places to wander. It is a new church...The Church of Jesus Christ, Reconciler.
We are a band of troubadors and hoodlams who are seeking to mend the broken body of Christ. We are all makes and models. Hights and widths. Lovers of the Gospel. Please wander over and see what is going on. Sermons and reflections will be posted by the pastors. Maybe, soon, community members will be posting stuff as well.
Posted by Justin at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Explain Yo'self
(At Home before work)
Sorry that the below post is so long. I just heard an awesome cover of it last night and wanted to post it before I forgot.
Ya see, last night was a grand time. I went to the Double Door. oh my god played...awesome show. They played new songs and stuff. Their new songs are very very good, but the main event of the night was Mike Watt, yes, Mike Watt formerly of the Minutemen. Last night he was with the Secondmen. Let me say. If you ever get a chance go see him.
Nothing like 2 organ, bass, drum trios in a night!
(Continved: Now at Work)
The point is, The Secondmen coverd the Dylan song below. It is one of my favorites.
Oh yeah, Billy now has a Mohawk that is bleach blonde...very cool.
Posted by Justin at 7:14 AM 0 comments
It's alright Ma (I'm only bleeding)
by Bob Dylan
1965 Warner Bros. Inc
Renewed 1993 Special Rider Music
Darkness at the break of noon
Shadows even the silver spoon
The handmade blade, the child's balloon
Eclipses both the sun and moon
To understand you know too soon
There is no sense in trying.
Pointed threats, they bluff with scorn
Suicide remarks are torn
From the fool's gold mouthpiece
The hollow horn plays wasted words
Proves to warn
That he not busy being born
Is busy dying.
Temptation's page flies out the door
You follow, find yourself at war
Watch waterfalls of pity roar
You feel to moan but unlike before
You discover
That you'd just be
One more person crying.
So don't fear if you hear
A foreign sound to your ear
It's alright, Ma, I'm only sighing.
As some warn victory, some downfall
Private reasons great or small
Can be seen in the eyes of those that call
To make all that should be killed to crawl
While others say don't hate nothing at all
Except hatred.
Continue reading here
Posted by Justin at 1:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Posted by Justin at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Quick Prayers
Hi Gang,
Ms. M is a sweet older lady that I work with from time to time. She retired not long after I started here, but she comes back when we need the help of a temp. Well, all weekend her grandson, M., had had a fever and headaches and backaches. Yesterday they went to the ER because they were getting so bad. Turns out M. has viral menengitis. They found this out on his 14th birthday. Please keep Ms. M and M. and his mother in your prayers.
Posted by Justin at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Pre-Work Post
The report came back. No WMDs. Intent, but no plan. Intent means nothing really. Especially with no means. I hope he will apologize for this. Especially to the 1,000+ families directly effected. And to the people of Iraq. Don't try to spin that you didn't say that. Now that our credibility has been shot, how can we get help when there is an imenant threat? coffee yet, sentences hard.
Posted by Justin at 7:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
As Only He Can Do
Dr. Cornel West is a regular contribitor to The Tavis Smiley Show on NPR.
They were talking about race and religion, and how it seems the adage of high noon on Sunday being the most segregated time in America is becoming less and less true. But that led to the mention of maybe this may not always be best because some of the multi racial mega churches loose the essence of the gospel. Dr. West closed with the following statement (slightly paraphrased since I took it straight from the radio, but upon multiple playbacks I think I have it):
I'd rather have segregated churches with a genuine gospel being preached, than a multi-racial church where the blood of the cross is turned into kool-aid.
Here is a link of the need to scroll down to the story called Roll of Black Churches and the White Hose Race.
After re-reading this post and Tripp's comment I realized that I have taken the quote a bit out of context, for which I apologize. In my haste to get the quote online I did something that drives me nuts, posted a quote without adequate context.
While the comments are hard to swallow, I think that is because there may be a grain of truth. The quote was preceeded by a discusion of how some churches loose focus of the gospel and spend all their time worrying about growth. By focusing on growth instead of the gospel a disservice is being committed.
Please understand that Dr. West was not saying churches should be segregated...not at all. Rather that it is better that a church be true to the gospel and not the ledger book.
I know that is still unclear, please listen to the story linked is really good.
Posted by Justin at 2:41 PM 1 comments