Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Originally uploaded by CelticWander.
I just read that Jerry Orbach died last night. He will be missed. A song and dance man that is best know as a cop.

Rest in Peace.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Fantastic Voyage

Raquel Welch
Originally uploaded by CelticWander.
Fantastic Voyage is on TV right now. I love this movie, and not JUST because of Raquel Welch. It is just a plain kick butt movie. That is all.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Goin' Home

Memory Eternal.

Thursday, December 16, 2004


Brother Cliff and his family are waiting this advent. Waiting for one life to finish its course. Vigil is being kept by family, friends, hospital personell. Sister Anna's brother will be going home soon.

Having gone through what they are now going through, my heart breaks all over again. These are dear, dear people and I pray they are granted the strength to make it through this extremely tough time.

May the Holy Three in One descend on them
May God the Father hold them in his hands
May Christ the Shelter wrap his arms around them
May The Spirit of Healing fill their souls.

God of family, watch and work wonders
Christ of suffering, take their pain and heal their souls
Spirit of God fill them with solace and comfort

Holy Three in One, bless this family, as they are yours.


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The Candy Man

Willy Wonka
Originally uploaded by CelticWander.
Just click this. I can not wait.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Amendment XXVIII?

Originally uploaded by CelticWander.
From Richard Roeper's column in today's Suntimes:

"...I fully support that grass-roots campaign for a constitutional amendment that would enable a foreign-born, internationally beloved entertainment superstar and longtime political activist to run for the highest office in the land.

After all, Bono would make a great president."

I can second that.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Mini-Gripe alert:

I love winter, but I hate one thing about it...public transit!

On days when we need to bundle up to go outside, why does the temp. on the trains and busses have to be a million degrees? People are bundled up. I end up at work hotter and sweatier than I do on the hottest day in August...URF.

Friday, December 03, 2004


"'Merry Christmas Uncle George and Aunt Brenda' signed Philip 76"...then

Signal Flags G and T up on the ship. A young man salutes in memory of his beloved uncle...then

Pushing out to sea. Going to a war zone. Taking men to land on the beach of the Euphrates River in

Today my cousin Phil Thornburgh ships out of San Diego harbor with about 5,000 other Sailors and Marines. Today Tania will be saying good bye to her new husband. Today my Aunt will cry. Today my Uncle will make jokes. Today I sit and stare...thinking.

I think about this war. I think about how it has torn families apart. I think about the grief it has caused the 1,259 families...and counting. I think about the at least 15,000 Iraqi familes suffering the same grief. I think about how the suffering is universal. I think about how mothers 6,500 miles apart pray the same prayer. Cry the same tears. Feel the same pain. I think about the father of children I babysat. I think about him sitting in Baghdad wishing to be with his family this Christmas. I think about his son, a child I babysat, possibly going to join his father. I think about Phil.

I pray everyday that this mess ends. I pray for the safety of our troops. I pray for the safety of the Iraqis and Afganis. I pray for peace to come to a land that has too long been in the grip of war. I pray that our leaders take of the rose colored glasses and see the mess we are in. I pray that we, Americans, remember the teachings of Christ and serve with humility our world.

In this season of waiting, I pray for the Spirit of the Living God to fall a fresh on us...all of us.

Phil, George and the many others know that you are loved.
