It doesn't take much to amuse me...i found this site:
Online Etymology Dictionary
It is fun...type a word and get its history.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
God's Politics
If anyone wants to know what to get me for my upcoming birthday this is it.
Please watch the clip. It is really cool how Mr. Wallis talks about the Christian duty to care for the poor.
Posted by Justin at 6:07 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 20, 2005
The War on . . . SPONGEBOB!!
Yup. You read that right. Dr. James Dobson has declared war on the heathen cartoon sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea.
"Does anybody here know SpongeBob?" Dr. James C. Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family, asked the guests Tuesday night at a black-tie dinner for members of Congress and political allies to celebrate the election results.
SpongeBob needed no introduction. In addition to his popularity among children, who watch his cartoon show, he has become a well-known camp figure among adult gay men, perhaps because he holds hands with his animated sidekick Patrick and likes to watch the imaginary television show "The Adventures of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy."
Now, Dr. Dobson said, SpongeBob's creators had enlisted him in a "pro-homosexual video," in which he appeared alongside children's television colleagues like Barney and Jimmy Neutron, among many others. The makers of the video, he said, planned to mail it to thousands of elementary schools to promote a "tolerance pledge" that includes tolerance for differences of "sexual identity."
So, promoting tolerance is bad? Well, Gooooleeee, I gues we have our values all out of whack. I am sorry, but this is just as STUPID as when Dobson's buddy Falwell got into a tizzy claiming that The Teletubbies were gay.
For being 2 of the most visible faces of the Christian community, these guys are making me ill. You do not have to condone or even accept others lifestyles, but last time I checked tolerance was a good thing.
If you are claiming to be a preacher of the Gospel, for cryin' out loud. Do it. The Gospel preaches tolerance and forgiveness and love. The judgement this is best left to the Big Guy.
This has gone on longer than I expected, but i guess it must have struck a nerve.
(BTW hat tip to Oliver Willis for pointing out the article.)
Posted by Justin at 9:57 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
New SideBar
I have decided to keep myself accountable on my reading this year. On the sidebar you will seen Books 2005 with Completed and In Process. Feel free to add suggestions.
Posted by Justin at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Living into the Cliche
It is true what they (They being in the emlpoy of The Man), "Don't like the weather in Chicago? Wait 20 minutes and it will change."
I left the house today and was soaked from the rain by the time I got to work. I went to lunch in a blizzard. I will be going home with nothing but clouds. Cool.
Posted by Justin at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 10, 2005
The Freepers' are pissed. (Freepers are members of the conservative blogging community at Free Republic.) Apparently Mel Gibson is now a heathen and a con and a flaming liberal because he liked F-911 and feels a "kinship" with Michael Moore and has questions about the war in Iraq. This is absurd.
--via Atrios
and apparently i like run on sentences yes i do really i do because they are so muchh fun to write and because it uses too much energy to puncuate and because well it is fun and this is probably the first post in ages without and elipse
Posted by Justin at 10:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 03, 2005
A Small Change of Plans
Phil seems a bit more aprehensive about doing this than going to Iraq. In Iraq they know what they are facing. Here it is still unknown. Earlier last week he got injected with a bunch of stuff. Also, apparently where they are going is littered with unmarked mine fields and stuff.
Please continue to pray for peace and the victims of the tsunami. Also for those sent to help aid the victims.
Posted by Justin at 8:46 AM 0 comments