Thursday, November 07, 2002


...........lost my train of though. I was going to writes something, but, alas, it is gone.

I hung out with my friend Melissa last night and got to meet her building mates(?). You see she lives in a building that is very unique...well not the building itself, but something neat goes on there. It is the fact that everyone knows everyone and all of them have become friends. There is a beautiful sense of community there. In fact, Melissa's neighbor...Anne, i think, was hungry, we were planning on ordering food, suddenly Anne comes back into the room with 5 plates of pasta and a yummy home made sauce...portabello, sun dried tomatoes, pine nuts, and cheese...mmmmm. Very graciously provided a meal for all of us.

well, that is not what I intended on saying...i don't think, but there you have it.


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