Wednesday, June 11, 2003

My friend Mary became a citizen of The United States of America yesterday. She has lived here in the states for 20 some odd years, and decided to take the plunge. Also, with all the crap going on with the Sept. 11 paranoia, she was scared that she could possibly be kicked out. Eventhough she has been a business owning taxpayer for the last 20 years.

I know I have ranted about the administration many times. I did in the previous paragraph, but ,eventhough I despise this administration, I love this country. To see the joy of someone who has just gone through the citizenship process is what made me realize how much I do care about this country.

That is why I rant, and write letters to my congress people. That is why I go to the anti-war rallies. That is why i get into debates with people. This Nation was founded on those liberties, and that is what i cherish.

I don't know where I am or was going with this blog. I just felt like saying something.


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