Monday, December 29, 2003

Breach of Contract

This is how our our government thanks the brave men and women over in Iraq. How is this possible?
Please read the article.

Here are a couple of other ways our men and women over there and stationed here are getting the shaft from Uncle Sam. The following statistics are from Had Enough? A Handbook for Fighting Back by James Carville.

-- $1.5 billion in cuts to military family housing, schools, and child care centers;
-- $200 million in cust ton Impact Aid, the program that funds schools near military bases;
-- Doubling the prices that vetrans will pay for perscription drugs;
-- Cutting vetrans' medical care by suspending enrollments at VA health centers;
-- "Imminent danger pay" cut from $225 monthly to $150 monthly
-- Family separation allowance cut from $250/month to $100/month.

Good ole Shrub has done it again. Cutting taxes, but saying that the people getting shot at are not worth $225 a month.

Also, on a side note. I have heard several times over the past few weeks reports of soldiers saying that they are more grateful for the people coming over on USO tours and their visits than the Turkey Bush brought. The president should make it over there as the commander in chief. It is his duty. The USO people are going over because they want to. To show real support for our troops.

God Bless them.

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