Saturday, August 21, 2004


Watching the Lithuania/USA Basketball game...Good Game. But what strikes me is the fact that the Lithuanians TOWER over the USA. These guys are HUGE. Oh My Gosh...

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Is Nothing Sacred?

I am post happy today.

G.W. is now taking credit for the Iraqi soccer team's success at the olympics, and they are pissed.

I say, good for them. Why does he feel the need to politicize everything? Especially this. The Olympics are supposed to be a place of neutrality.

This guy just pisses me off more and more.


This is just plain WRONG

I chuckled at first, but holee crap.

Banned in St. Paul

Originally uploaded by CelticWander.
This is a poster advertising an exhibit at a museum in St. Paul. The Star-Tribune refused to put it in their paper.

Here it is. Read it. Realize the true cost of war.

Remember when?

Mr. Bush said, " I am an optimistic person. I guess if you want to try to find something to be pessimistic about, you can find it, no matter how hard you look, you know? I'm optimistic. I have seen what we have come through[.]" Sounds all find and dandy...great even. Preach it Brother!.....*screeching brakes*

What the heck is going on? Mr. Optimism has been nothing but Mr. Negativity. Check out this from The Daily Kos.

What about the Swift Boat guys who "served" with Kerry? They claim he wasn't under fire, but they won the same awards for the same battles...peculiar (free registration). In fact one of the guy who condemns Kerry in that ad gave him glowing recommendations for his medals. FLIP FLOP.

Sen. McCain has called for Mr. Shrub to denounce the ad, but he just can't do it....vacation? Desperation! He needs to destroy Kerry's credibility. What a farce.

What happened when an attack ad came on about Bush's record...oh yeah, Kerry said it was bad...bad. (free registration needed).

If Bush had anything other than fear to stand on, shouldn't he be doing it? Cut the negativity and be a man.

Rambling done.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


The RNC is playing an ad that shows John Kerry saying he is the "anti-war" candidate. Well, that is such a gross misrepresentation that it makes me cringe. Not only did the edit the interview with Chris Matthews, but they totally take his response out of context. Here is a link to that gets more in-depth. Man, it is ridiculous.

Friday, August 13, 2004

New Stuff

My college housemate, Aaron, has a new website. Please check it out. He is an amazing artist/senic designer.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Get Yer Butts Out!!

My buddy Tony Piscotti is playing tomorrow night at Martyr's.

I think every one will enjoy it. He has a great sound folksy rock and roll. He brings the music to its roots. AWESOME!

For only 6 bucks! Get out there. Irving Park and Lincoln. 6 dollars. 9pm. 6 Greenbacks. August 12. 6 smakers. $6 got it....good...GO

Monday, August 09, 2004

Better Butter Buddy

Over at there is a discussion going on between Joe Trippi and David Shuster about the fact that Schuster did a story infront of the butter cow at the Ohio State Fair. I am sorry but it is pointless...the Illinois State Fair butter cow (scroll down for the history) kicks all butter bovine butt. Shoot it has its own webcam! At the bottom of the page there is a one minute video of the creation of last year's butter bovine.

Beat that Bubba

Gettin' Personal

Well, it has happened. The war has gotten personal. My cousin Phil, navy, has gotten his deployment papers. He will be leaving anytime in the next month. He will be heading to the Gulf. He will be putting his life on the line. His new wife will be left at home, alone. He will serve with pride and honor. He is honor. He will do what he is asked. He is loyal. God be with Phil. Please keep him safe. Please let peace come. Please let him be a beacon of your peace.

Be with our friend George who is descending into Hell, Baghdad. Let the love of Christ shine through him.

I will continue the fight I have. I will continue to fight to bring our people home. I will not allow a president to play his games with their lives. I will not allow a coward send people to die while he goes and plays golf. I will not tolerate a leader who appears to have no vested interest to get our troops out of harms way. I will work my hardest to elect a new administration. I will fight to make sure this administration is voted out of office in November.

I cry when I think of all of the lives uselessly lost because of lies.
I cry when I think of men and women coming home limbless, eyeless, and mindless.
I cry when I think of the civilians all over the world are victims of the selfishness of their leaders. Be it Hussein or Bush, Blair or Sharon, Arafat or Fox. It doesn't matter. Leaders need to see the light. Know that their people want peace. Violence begets violence. Hate begets hate.

Love begets love.

Friday, August 06, 2004

New Link

I added Amanda the Hot Ambercrombie Chick to my links list. She always has interesting stuff.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

You speak eloquently and have seemingly read every
book ever published. You are a fountain of
endless (sometimes useless) knowledge, and
never fail to impress at a party.
What people love: You can answer almost any
question people ask, and have thus been
nicknamed Jeeves.
What people hate: You constantly correct their
grammar and insult their paperbacks.

What Kind of Elitist Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

A Whole New Link

I have just discoverd Hardblogger. It is a cool blog by the talking heads on Hardball with Chris Matthews. It is pretty cool. I have added it to the side bar!
