Monday, August 09, 2004

Gettin' Personal

Well, it has happened. The war has gotten personal. My cousin Phil, navy, has gotten his deployment papers. He will be leaving anytime in the next month. He will be heading to the Gulf. He will be putting his life on the line. His new wife will be left at home, alone. He will serve with pride and honor. He is honor. He will do what he is asked. He is loyal. God be with Phil. Please keep him safe. Please let peace come. Please let him be a beacon of your peace.

Be with our friend George who is descending into Hell, Baghdad. Let the love of Christ shine through him.

I will continue the fight I have. I will continue to fight to bring our people home. I will not allow a president to play his games with their lives. I will not allow a coward send people to die while he goes and plays golf. I will not tolerate a leader who appears to have no vested interest to get our troops out of harms way. I will work my hardest to elect a new administration. I will fight to make sure this administration is voted out of office in November.

I cry when I think of all of the lives uselessly lost because of lies.
I cry when I think of men and women coming home limbless, eyeless, and mindless.
I cry when I think of the civilians all over the world are victims of the selfishness of their leaders. Be it Hussein or Bush, Blair or Sharon, Arafat or Fox. It doesn't matter. Leaders need to see the light. Know that their people want peace. Violence begets violence. Hate begets hate.

Love begets love.

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