Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Prayers, please

Theresa's, one of the maintence workers in my office building, daughter has been diagnosed with leukemia. I am not sure of her age. Unfortunately, as is the case way to often in this country, her insurance will not pay for the treatment. Thursday there is a fundraiser in the building for her. I will try to find more info for donations and post it here.

God of Creation, Christ of Healing, Spirit of Love
Holy Three in One
Bless this family
Ease their minds
Give them rest in the midst of this storm

Heal their wounds
Grant them wisdom
Touch thier souls

O, Holy Three in One
Bless them and keep them in your arms
Hold their hand
Weep with them

May Your touch be upon them.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


That's Jazz, originally uploaded by AKMA.

I truly enjoy going to AKMA's blog and looking at what Pippa has been creating (Click on the link to see other pieces of her work). She is a very talented young artist. I came across this picture today, and though...WOW! This is amazing. Thanks Pippa!

Monday, May 16, 2005

A Man of God

From the Taize e-newsletter. Bother Roger has been and continues to be a healing force in the Body of Christ.

Taizé celebrates discreetly Brother Roger's 90th birthday
Last Thursday, 12 May, the Community celebrated Brother Roger's 90th birthday. According to his wish, the day was marked by discretion. He was nevertheless touched by the numerous messages he received: from young people, women, men, from many countries, who wanted to offer him a sign of affection and gratitude. Messages reached him from Pope Benedict XVI, from Orthodox Patriarch Alexis II of Moscow, from Metropolitans Cyril of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Moscow and Philaret of Minsk. Brother Roger received letters of friendship from the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, from Bishop Huber, president of the Council of the German Protestant Churches, from Cardinal Lehman, president of the German Bishops' Conference, from the Swiss Protestant Federation and the Swiss Bishops' Conference, from Cardinal Danneels of Brussels, from Archbishop Kiet of Hanoi, and from
bishops in the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, France, and elsewhere. From these numerous messages, perhaps we can retain just the beautiful expression of Bishop Huber: "Thank you for the work of your hands that, joined together in prayer, bring together the two families of the Churches in the West."

In a Tizzy

[Note: I wrote this on Friday, but Blogger was down, so here it is now!]

I just read this amazing artilce in the Suntimes.

It seems our friend, Rush, got worked in a tizzy after reading this article about an international studies class in Evanston. In this class students participate in mock Iraqi elections, peace talks on Kashmir and many other hands on educational activites.

Rush said about these students, while espousing his disdain about multi-culturalism, "[They] don't know anything about World War II" and "they've probably never heard the name Adolf Hitler."

Well, the kids have called him out. "'I think [a debate] would be great because then we'd prove him wrong and open up his opinion a little bit,' Sarah Loeb, an ETHS sophomore, said Thursday."

So, far he has not accepted the offer to a debate. Hmmm...

If he would look at test resuts from the school he would discover he was wrong, but what can we expect from the guy who claims 75% of minimum wage earners are 16 year olds working thier first jobs.

I See

This is interesting, kind of true, kind of not...oh wait...it is an internet quiz!

You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

Cultural Creative
















What is Your World View? (corrected...hopefully)
created with QuizFarm.com

Thanks Tripp

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Everything is Good

oh my god, a local band and good friends of mine were featured in a 3 minute mini-documentary on MTV last week.

Here is a link to the web version of the featureette.

This is just so cool.

Belated Apology

The Sherman Brothers are apologizing for writing the song that sends many, the world over, into near epileptic fits...It's A Small World (After All.)

"They must go out of their minds," says Richard Sherman.

"We've driven teenagers crazy in every language," says Robert Sherman.

Thanks Guys.

(Hat Tip to Bill in Portland Maine.)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Let's Think, Shall We?

You are making many important contributions to freedom's cause, but your most important contribution is your example. In recent months, the world has marveled at the hopeful changes taking place from Baghdad to Beirut to Bishkek. But before there was a Purple Revolution in Iraq, or an Orange Revolution in Ukraine, or a Cedar Revolution in Lebanon, there was the Rose Revolution in Georgia. Pres. George W. Bush, 5/10/05, Tbilisi, Georgia.

I heard this line on the news last night. I heard the crowd cheering. I saw the young vibrant presidend of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili. I though about our president's words, and reflected. The Orange Revolution in Ukraine. The Cedar Revolution in Lebanon. The Rose Revolution of Georgia.

Three of the four of the cited revolutions cited were non-violent, bloodless revolutions. They were movements of the people. There was a massive chage in the lands caused by the people from within each of the countries. In Georgia and Ukraine they were the result of the people rising after unfair elections. The Cedar Revolution of Lebanon was instigated by the assassination of a former, beloved leader, but the change came through non-violent protest. But the thing that sticks out with all of these and with the non-violent revolutions of the Eastern Bloc and Soviet Union is they were all movements that came from within each of the countries. The United States was not involved; the use of force was not the impetus of the revolutions: the call for renewal from the people was what led to them.

The Purple Revolution of Iraq is a slightly different story with not such a happy ending. The Purple Revolution was caused by an outside force. The Purple Revolution, while good, is not succeeding. The Purple Revolution has led to civil war. The leaders of The Purple Revolution are being assassinated. These things cause me to pause and think. Revolutions must come from the people, not instigated by an outside force. Non-violent revolutions are movements of the people. Wave of people demanding their rights. "But, in this part of the world, violence is the only language that is understood." To that I say look at Lebanon. A violent act was the inciting incident, but the revolution came about through non-violent means, and through the will of the people.

I have no doubt that Iraq under Sadam Hussein was a miserable place. I have no doubt that one day a democratic Iraq will be peaceful. I have no doubt that this revolution was about to come about, and was thwarted by outside intervention. 100,000 dead Iraqis...is it worth that? Especially, since, now they are killing each other, since this revolution was not a movement of the people.

I pray daily for peace in Iraq. I pray that the people find peace within themselves and each other. I pray that our leaders realize their error. I pray that peace comes to a land that has for too long know violence.

Let the revolution happen in its own time, not as mandated by an outside force.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Here's Your Chance

For all the pro-war members of the blogosphere.

Here is your chance to join the fight. All branches of the armed forces are short of their recuiting goals. You wanted it...here is the chance. Go and sign up! I dare ya. Or is it not really that important?

Maybe this is a reality check for the actual attitudes toward the war. Maybe parents are talking their kids out of enlisting. Maybe kids are seeing that this war is not all it is chalked up to be. Maybe our leaders will wake up and see that if this war is to continue they should stop being the chicke-hawks they are and put their feet to the fire. Maybe...just maybe this will be a wakeup call. A clarion bell. Maybe people see they have been lied to, and maybe they are telling the powers that be to shove it.

Those over there now are not re-enlisting in the numbers hoped for either. Those over there are giving their lives daily for asses who want to fight, but are not willing to do so themselves.

So, if you think this war is just and right...go ahead and enlist...Uncle Same Wants You.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Oh Happy Day!

Mae will be finishing her thesis today!!!!


Friday, May 06, 2005

What is Going On?

I came across this diary at dKos. East Waynesville Baptist Church in North Carolina as forced members out who voted for John Kerry or were Democrats. Here is a link from the local news story. The pastor of the church told those who voted for Kerry or other Democrats to repent of their sins or leave.

From the WLOS website:

East Waynesville Baptist asked nine members to leave. Now 40 more have left the church in protest. Former members say Pastor Chan Chandler gave them the ultimatum, saying if they didn't support George Bush, they should resign or repent. The minister declined an interview with News 13. But he did say "the actions were not politically motivated." There are questions about whether the bi-laws were followed when the members were thrown out.

There is something very wrong here. Very. Wrong.

The logic and past history of fundamentalist evangelical Christians leads one to believe that this was motivated due in part to John Kerry's and the Democratic Party's stance on abortion. They are pro-choice.

The pro-choice/life issue needs to be really clarified. I voted for Kerry, and yet, I am pro-life. What does that mean? Pro-Life. How can one be pro-life and still vote for a pro-choice candidate. Well, I may be pro-life, but I am not anti-choice. I do not see a conflict in this stance. Some of you may, and for good reason. But I see this as a constisant ethic of life.

How does this work? I believe that abortion should remain safe, legal and rare. So, how can I be pro-life. Well, as a well know seminary professor says, "it is more complicated than that." I belive that in order for abortion to become obsolete we must look at the root causes and begin working to eliminating them from the bottom up. We must look at the poverty that leads to the sense of hopelessness that makes abortion seems as the only viable option. We must look at a healthcare system that is so cost prohibitive that pre-natal care can seem like a pipe dreams. We must look at the cause for so many instable/abusive relationships that lead to the terror that the child would be better off not being born. We must look at post-natal care as an essential not an option. We must look at a society that makes tax cuts for corporations instead of using that money to provide child care and medical care for these children once they are born. We must let people know they are loved and cared for. We must have an ethic of life that extends past just a pro-birth world view. We must take care and love those that have been through the hell of abortion. We must not judge those who have had to make the choice. We must look in the mirror and ask what must I do in order to end this.

Until these things happen, abortion should be kept safe, legal, and hopefully rare. Until these things happen, women will feel the need to have an abortion. If abortion is made illegal it will not stop them. They will happen. Untill these things happen I pray for forgiveness for being part of the problem.

To create such a society may be a pipe dream on my part, but I beileve that that is a consistant ethic of life.

[UPDATE: Cliff has posted on the same subject form a different point of view. It is an interesting read and very good points. I disagree with some of it, but he does bring up a good thing...Did the pastor go about the dismissal of members the proper way. Scripturally consistant? We may never know.}

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Your Inner European is Irish!

Sprited and boisterous!

You drink everyone under the table.

Thanks Tripp, you Frenchman

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I am down 10 pounds in a month!!!

You see, when I ordered my kilt I ordered a belt to hold it on. No biggie, I ordered the correct size and all, but I did not think about the fact that the belt is 4 inches wide. So, it would have fit perfectly if it were the normal 1 inch belt, but it is not and my tummy was in the way. Well, now it fits!! It has for a week or two, and I can stand to loose more tummy, but color me happy.

And I did it without going on a fad diet, or changing my diet all that drastically. I just pay attention to what I eat, and how many calories are in it, and try to eat less than I burn. This has been pretty successful and not hunger inducing. Also, I work out 3-5 times a week. 3 days I do weights and cardio, and 2 days I do cardio only. Mon. do chest, shoulders, triceps, and abs and stationary bike for 20 minutes. Tuesday I do stationary bike for 45 minutes. Wednesday I do legs, back, and biceps and abs and stationary bike for 20 minutes. Thursday I stationary bike 45 minutes. Friday I do a circut of all muscle groups and 20 minutes bike. If for some reason I can not make all 5 days I adjust accordingly.

Anyhoo...10 pounds down...we shall see how many more.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

For Cliff :-)

Air America will be returning to Chicago air waves next week.
850 AM.

The little network that could has been around for over a year now, and has 65 affliliates. It started with 4.


I Don't Get It

This morning the Today Show led off with a 2 segment piece about the Runaway Bride.

Why didn't they lead off with real news. One of the Abu Ghraib torturers got sentenced. Did they do an investigation about whether or not the abuse has continued?

Or, how about this, 2 years ago yesterday, President Bush landed on an aircraft carier and declared Mission Accomplished. Shoot, that did not even make the teasers for the rest of the show. How about nearly 1600 soldiers have been killed since the mission was accomplished? How about the fact that terrorism has become more prevelant since the mission was accomplished? How about al-Quadia now has a breeding ground in Iraq? How about the nearly 100,000 Iraqis killed? How about the daily suidice bombings? Hmmmm??? Why aren't these in the first segment?

I check other morning news programs, and discoverd they all were covering the Runaway Bride. Who cares about that? Read People if you want that dreck. If you claim to be a news program, cover the NEWS.