Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Why Should We Attack Thee

Let me count the ways

Yep, the above link is a list of only 9 of the reasons we went to war.

This administration can not decide why the hell we are there, so they keep changing the reason. They would not have to keep doing that if we would not have gone in in the first place.

Even that first reason we were given, seems to be made up.

I am so sick of all this shit. I was talking to a guy last night who has just finished his tour in the Coast Guard. He was telling me about his Marine buddies that are either over there now, or have recently returned. Tears were coming down this kid's face. A face which was red with anger. And eyes that were those of a person whose entire world has been a lie. He told me how his friends over there are fed up with being lied to. He told me about his friends that are over there who are so tired of living on the edge because they do not know what they are supposed to be doing. He told me about his friends who have returned, but they are not his friends who went over there. He told me about his friends that have the stare of an old man seeing his life go past him, and they are only 24. He told me about his friend who grabbed his arm and would not let go because he wanted to hold on to something that was not steel. He told me about his friends, brave Marines, who just burst into tears for seemingly no reason.

We have an arrogant president and administration that will not admit they screwed up. We have a president and administration that will not call upon us to sacrifice. I would be willing to forgo some niceties if it means people come home faster and safer. We have a president and administration that will not call those who support this war to arms. We have supportors of this war who are not willing to go and fight themselves. To them I say, put up or shut up. There are those who support this war, and yet they say they are not dumb enough to enlist to go over there. There are those who say this is God's will, but it doesn't include me.

Piss off.

[This rant was uninteded, but I guess I just needed to vent.]

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