Bappy Hirthday, Tripp
Tripp is the sexy one on the right...the one with the great legs...go wish him a bappy hirthday! Now! Go! What are you waiting for? Do IT!
The Random Musings of a Wandering Soul " a thought, followed by a thought, followed by a thought, ad infinitum; a kind of wonder-wandering. I love to wonder-wander. It's what I am; it's what we are ... existential facts of some of my thoughts travels; collections of truths, half-truths, and fractions of truths that I wonder about."--Ken Nordine on Word Jazz copyright 2002-2005 Justin Thornburgh
Tripp is the sexy one on the right...the one with the great legs...go wish him a bappy hirthday! Now! Go! What are you waiting for? Do IT!
Posted by Justin at 9:16 AM 1 comments
Over at The Sneeze I happened upon this post about this song. It is the most horridly amusing "thing" I have heard....EVER!
This is what Jim Nadyer, host of The Annoying Music Show, has to say about it, "'O Holy Night,' by a vocalist whom Nayder says is so bad he remains unnamed and 'has entered the Annoying Music Show witness protection program.'"
Just listen...and if you are at work, plug in the ear phones or be prepared to get looked at by co-workers as if you are strangleing a cat...which happened t me.
Posted by Justin at 2:42 PM 0 comments
I had my first actor's nightmare last night. It was aweful.
I do not normally remember dreams, so the fact I remember this says alot.
Feel free to give intrepreations in the comment...curious about it...
Here goes:
For some reason I was running late getting to the show, not sure why, I just remember being late. Once at the theater I could not find costume pieces since the laundry was done over the break. I miss the scene leading into mine so I intend to enter the stage during the cross-fade into my scene and the one previous. I have no lines in the previous scene, so only my presence is missed. As I prepare to enter the scene doing the military march routine we do, the stage is 3x the size (up until now, everthing has been "normal'), I am missing my gloves and 2 essential props. At this point all hell breaks loose. The stage is huge; the jail cell is in 3 parts, as opposed to one piece flown in; and everyone is improving, ok, I can deal with that; the audience starts adlibbing; yelling; Ted Kennedy is one of the "prisoners" in the scene, except for it is 1980 canidate Kennedy, not the one we see today. We start doing the scene (Teddy and Me). My pulse is through the roof. The curtain comes down and we try to reset the chaos of the scene. The curtain comes up and the same thing happens.
Very Weird....not the typical actor's nightmare. I have my clothes on, I know my lines, but that does not seem to matter, since everyone seems to be adlibbing
What think you???
Posted by Justin at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Carnacki over at reminds us that Mrs. Alito's tears that have caused a lot of hub bub have overshadowed these tears.
God Grant us Peace.
Posted by Justin at 10:21 AM 0 comments
So, Tripp tagged me on on Friday for the Friday Feast but I did not find out until today, so here goes:
Appetizer: Have you ever seen a ghost or an angel?
An angel, yes in deed. I was in a car accident in high school (my senior year I think), and as the car spun into the trees I saw a face in the windshield, and felt a sense of calm and reassuance. When I crawled out of the passanger side of the car, I only had a scrape on my arm from broken glass. I looked at the drivers side and there was a branch through the windsheild, it was kissing a tree pretty good...Yes, I think an angel helped me out there.
Soup: What is your favorite board game?
Sequence. Lots of fun.
Salad: What is the last movie that made you cry?
Not sure, honestly, I think I may have been a little teary when I saw to favoite characters die in Serenity.
Main Course: What would you do if you had 3 months off from your job?
Travel. Start and finish in Ireland. Make one big circle around Europe.
(if I had 6-9 months...Hike the Appalachian Trail)
Dessert: What kind of shoes are you wearing today?
New Balance 400 Running Shoe
Posted by Justin at 11:51 AM 0 comments