Friday, July 12, 2002

Sunny Days, Wiping the Clouds Away

We have these nifty little screens in the elevators at work, and they give you updates on the daily news. Anyway, this morning I saw something interestingÖSesame Street is going to introduce an HIV positive muppet. (This coincides with the World AIDS Conference currently going on.) Then, on (click here for the story) their question of the day is should Sesame Street do this? My answer is yes.

Sesame Street has been there to help parents explain things that are very difficult to do on their own. Sesame Street is now afraid to tackle topics such as death, racism, and sexism in such a way the 4 year olds can understand them; why should they be afraid to move on to this topic. Apparently what we are doing isnít working, and since this is a growing epidemic; why not help kids to realize that their friend Timmy will not always be there, and that he is very sick, even though he doesnít look sick. Teach them the facts about HIV/AIDS.

Sesame Street is a great conversations starter for parentsÖthere were many a time that I asked my parents about something I saw on the show (many times it was stuff they probably wouldnít have talked about), but we did and we all learned in the process.

Sesame Street, please continue to teach the real world to kids.


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