Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Hail to the Chief
A co-worker and I have been batting these things around all day. I though I would share.


Playwright jim sherman wrote this after hearing that hu jintao was named chief of the communist party in china.

(we take you now to the oval office.)
george: condi! nice to see you. what's happening?
condi: sir, i have the report here about the new leader of china.
george: great. lay it on me.
condi: hu is the new leader of china.
george: that's what i want to know.
condi: that's what i'm telling you.
george: that's what i'm asking you. who is the new leader of china?
condi: yes.
george: i mean the fellow's name.
condi: hu.
george: the guy in china.
condi: hu.
george: the new leader of china.
condi: hu.
george: the chinaman!
condi: hu is leading china.
george: now whaddya' asking me for?
condi: i'm telling you hu is leading china.
george: well, i'm asking you. who is leading china?
condi: that's the man's name.
george: that's who's name?
condi: yes.
george: will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader ofchina?
condi: yes, sir.
george: yassir? yassir arafat is in china? i thought he was in the middle east.
condi: that's correct.
george: then who is in china?
condi: yes, sir.
george: yassir is in china?
condi: no, sir.
george: then who is?
condi: yes, sir.
george: yassir?
condi: no, sir.
george: look, condi. i need to know the name of the new leader of china. get me the secretary general
of the u.n. on the phone.
condi: kofi?
george: no, thanks.
condi: you want kofi?
george: no.
condi: you don't want kofi.
george: no. but now that you mention it, i could use a glass of milk.and then get me the u.n.
condi: yes, sir.
george: not yassir! the guy at the u.n.
condi: kofi?
george: milk! will you please make the call?
condi: and call who?
george: who is the guy at the u.n?
condi: hu is the guy in china.
george: will you stay out of china?!
condi: yes, sir.
george: and stay out of the middle east! just get me the guy at the u.n.
condi: kofi.
george: all right! with cream and two sugars. now get on the phone.
(condi picks up the phone.)
condi: rice, here.
george: rice? good idea. and a couple of egg rolls, too

Some other sites for your edimification.

Read this First
Dancing Time
Toon Time

Yes, I do poke fun of and at the President, but, eventhough I don't think I agree with him on a damn thing, I respect all he must do in that job. And I respect the Presidency.


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