Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Look Ma, I made it!!!

Well, it is here. I have stepped through the threshold. I am now, officially, in my late 20ís. I have enjoyed the ride thus far, but I there is still more to do:

Next 26 years to do list:

1. Spend more that 10 days in a foreign country
2. Jump off/out of bridge, cliff, plane
3. Paint a mural
4. Quit an office jobÖas in never have to spend more than one hour in an office at a time
5. Actually try to get writing published
6. Be in a rock band (if it doesnít leave the garage, fine)
7. Learn to fly
8. Participate in a pro-wrestling match
9. Have a family
10. Build a house
11. Make a living doing theatre

much much more


P.S. I had to get my licence renewed yesterday...only took 25 minutes (and that is because they suprised me...I had to take the damn test...bleaugh)

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