Thursday, June 06, 2002

OK, Here I Go

Well, as some of you know I am mark for professional wrestling. I came across this interview with Shawn of the 2 big players of the then WWF in the mid-90's (along with the Hitman Brett Hart). Anywho, Shawn was one of the people most responsible for the meteoric rise of pro-wrestling in the mid/late 90's...he was a leader of the WWF Attitude era.

My point is, Shawn is a relatively new Christian. This interview, kind of inspires me in a way. To see someone so excited about the oportunity return to a place where he met all the bad parts of the world, and yet, going back with an iron will to live out God's will. I, honetly, don't know if I would have the strength to do that. I have a hard enough time as it is.

Any way, let me know what you think>


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