Friday, July 09, 2004

A thought

Something I heard on the radio yesterday prompts this.

Bush/Cheney are claiming that John Edwards doesn't have enough experience to be VP.

Edwards served 4 years in the Senate. Not a full term, no multiple terms (since something like 1960 no one has held that particular seat for more than 1 term).

But Bush's experience was serving 4 years as Gov. of Texas. Whose legislature only meets every other year. So, when legislature wasn't in session all he did was deny death penalty appeals.

So, the current PRESIDENT came to office with really only 2 years of any leadership experience, but the VICE-PRESIDENTIAL nominee comes to us with 4 years of Washington experience.

Sometimes B/C makes absolutely no sense at all.

1 comment:

Tripp Hudgins said...


Go here:

This takes your thinking and parces it out.