Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Who do you believe?

Cliff and I have been discussing Farenheit 9/11.

That discussion has been revoling around Newsweek's Michael Isikoff's critical view of the movie. Michael Isikoff is their chief investigative reporter, but maybe he should be replaced. You see, the things he quotes in this article (Note: it was updated after the following response was posted). Are not quite right. Here is David Unger's response. In it we find out that Isikoff decided not to use all the information he had in making his argument. He was given materials by Unger, but decided to pick and choose what he wanted to use.

I just think if you are going to argue about things, you better have you ducks in a row. Thank goodness Michael Moore does. I concede that F 9/11 is a biased piece of work, but so does Moore.

If you are going to argue about the merits of the film, please see it.

(Side note: it is a pet peeve of mine when people argue something they do not know about. How can you be against something that you have no clue about?)

Please remember our 872 fallen, and the 13,000 civilian dead.

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